Teacher Partners
Curious to learn how you can become involved?
Contact Volker Ecke (Math: vecke@westfield.ma.edu), Arne Christensen (Science: achristensen@westfield.ma.edu)
Invitation to Collaborate
Teachers in regional districts have rich experience and expertise in building classroom communities in their schools, as well as deep content knowledge to support their students. STEM-ACT would love to connect and collaborate with you!
Teacher Partners are invited to work and partner with STEM-ACT students and faculty, in support of your work in the classroom by
hosting practicum students,
hosting internship students for a week in March,
participating in a monthly Community of Practice,
collaborating at your school and in professional development opportunities,
engaging in one-on-one co-teaching opportunities.
Please reach out to learn more about how you can become involved:
Volker Ecke (Math: vecke@westfield.ma.edu) or
Arne Christensen (Science: achristensen@westfield.ma.edu)